Friday 23 August 2013

The Aim Of This Blog

The Aim Of This Blog

The aim of this blog is to efficiently explain the new technologies that are going to refashion the entire economy. For every techno buzz word there will be a post and for every post there will be a clear explanation of what this thing is, how you can make money from it and what kind of change it will bring. Terms like ‘The Internet of Things’, ‘Big Data’ and ‘Cloud Computing’ are thrown about like we’re being paid per buzz word and fined for any context or explanation included. However, if you understand these concepts you’re going to understand the directions your company, job and industry are going to be taking in the next decade. I’ll award myself internet points for each of my posts which is the clearest introduction to the topic in the internet.1

Another mission critical aim of this blog is to get you excited by these ideas. If the potential and all round clevercloggery of this stuff is boring you, you’ve not understood. Anywho that’s gonna be my motto in writing this stuff. Understanding that Big Data just involves big data bases is one thing. But unless you know why McKinsey reckons that manipulating Big Data techniques could save the EU’s public sector more money than the GDP of Greece, annually, my job in explaining the importance of this stuff has failed.

A further aim is to give you plenty of links to further interesting stuff. I’ve benefited from loads of great pages, articles, blog posts, youtube lectures, interviews and speeches. And I’ve waded through rubbish to get at them. You dear reader will not have to do so. I’ll link you to the best of them on the relevant blog post.

When will such wonders be posted?-  Every week, at least! Our first stop will be an explanation of everything to do with Big Data. Next I’ll explain how Google’s magic was bottled and put into an piece of software called Hadoop. Then we’ll hit ‘The Internet of Things’, ‘Cloud Computing’ then mobile computing and then, who knows? we’ll see where the night takes us.  

After I’ve introduced the basics of these concepts I can start writing about the possibilities that these new techniques open up to us, the new rules to the trillion dollar game of the free market that they introduce.
1 And I live for internet points. Yes I’m afraid this blog will include footnotes. A little stuffy and academic I know. It does however allow my blog posts to be far pithier than they would be otherwise. Plus it means I can pathetically ape my favourite author, David Foster Wallace. Stay tuned down here for stuff that wasn’t good enough to make the post proper!

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